Python strategy games BY JAMES l.
Click the screenshots or the buttons below the screenshots to get my Python code (in a Trinket) for draughts, Surrounded, noughts and crosses, Connect Four, Othello, Traffic Jam, Inkspill, or Conway's Game of Life.
The computer chooses its own move in draughts, noughts and crosses, Surrounded, Connect Four and Othello, but I coded it so that someone my age could sometimes win.
All the games require Pygame to run, so you will need to copy the code from Trinket to your PC. Traffic Jam uses a text file and a JPG (see the buttons under the screenshot).
The computer chooses its own move in draughts, noughts and crosses, Surrounded, Connect Four and Othello, but I coded it so that someone my age could sometimes win.
All the games require Pygame to run, so you will need to copy the code from Trinket to your PC. Traffic Jam uses a text file and a JPG (see the buttons under the screenshot).