I have always liked coding; making computers do what I want them to. Scratch is an enjoyable way to start. It has the key concept of coding at heart, you can code at any level in it. It is also good to see inside other people’s projects which is very educating.
Another factor is the simple, yet crucial part of being able to touch type. I learnt using Nessy Fingers.
I learnt the basics of Python with ‘Teach Your Kids to Code’ book. I then looked at websites like 49 Programming ideas for intermediates and Euler. I have coded 3D games in Unity, 65 Euler problems, Draughts, Tetris and much more, as you can see on this site.
The way I learn is to experiment. I often look at other people’s code and think how I can use their techniques in my code. I build up my code in stages and check it. If I run into a problem, I Google it or think about it and try it again the next day.
I now use C++ / Unreal Engine, C# / Unity, Python, C and Scratch. I still like Scratch because it is easier to create sprites. I use this feature to try out programs e.g. the Sierpinski triangle, pictured.
My favourite thing about Python is list comprehensions (a quick and easy way to do simple loops).
It is more rewarding to do things in Python that you can’t easily do in Scratch, but it can be easier to learn by doing things that you’ve already done in Scratch because you already understand the ideas (e.g. turtle graphics).
Another factor is the simple, yet crucial part of being able to touch type. I learnt using Nessy Fingers.
I learnt the basics of Python with ‘Teach Your Kids to Code’ book. I then looked at websites like 49 Programming ideas for intermediates and Euler. I have coded 3D games in Unity, 65 Euler problems, Draughts, Tetris and much more, as you can see on this site.
The way I learn is to experiment. I often look at other people’s code and think how I can use their techniques in my code. I build up my code in stages and check it. If I run into a problem, I Google it or think about it and try it again the next day.
I now use C++ / Unreal Engine, C# / Unity, Python, C and Scratch. I still like Scratch because it is easier to create sprites. I use this feature to try out programs e.g. the Sierpinski triangle, pictured.
My favourite thing about Python is list comprehensions (a quick and easy way to do simple loops).
It is more rewarding to do things in Python that you can’t easily do in Scratch, but it can be easier to learn by doing things that you’ve already done in Scratch because you already understand the ideas (e.g. turtle graphics).